THE MOTH – Episode: The Stage


The Moth, solo exhibition  Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin, 2018

Installation views in the main room of the Galerie Michael Janssen

Installation views: "The Moth", 2018, Photos: © Lepkowski Studios, Regina Maria Möller



This episode of The Moth is an installation of several rows of curtains which referenced the earlier function of theatre curtains, such as the Hauptvorhang, Raffvorhang, Hubvorhang, Wolkenvorhang and the Brecht-Vorhang. These rows of curtains were in constant motion. The air draft, the theatrical illumination, the movements and

shadows of the visitors passing through the alleys of the curtains created all togehter a "play", a picture from different perspectives.




The Moth - Hauptvorhang



Photos: © Viola Goetz, Regina Maria Möller, Tuan Nguyen

The Moth "Hauptvorhang" is a two-piece and double-sided curtain installed in the gallery window.



front side: velvet with applicé of a moth (painted velvet)

back side: black viscose, tafetta with applicé of a moth (black velours)



Two piece curtain, each piece ca. 6 m (lenght) x 2.90 m (height)

The Moth – Spielvorhänge


Photos: © Regina Maria Möller, Tuan Nguyen

Three rows of curtains of so-called "Spielvorhänge" have been installed in the main space of the gallery.

These are the "Raffvorhang", the "Hubvorhang" and the "Wolkenvorhang".



Gauze, nettle-cloth, golden fringes, black "Posamenten" border



Each ca. 2 m (width) x 3.90 m (height)

The Moth - Brecht Gardine


Photos: © Regina Maria Möller, Tuan Nguyen

The "Brecht Gardine" is a trimmed curtain made of pure material such as nettle cloth. Its purpose allowed the audience to get a glimpse of the scenes behind the "curtain", and supported the concept of the "epic theatre".



nettle cloth with black painted letters "DIE MOTTE"



ca. 7 m (width) x 2.50 m (height)







Concept and Design: Regina Maria Möller

Production in cooperation with Petra Korink (Berlin)








Photo: © Tuan Nguyen



Pedestal with an acrylic glass cube. Each side of the glass was covered with a QR code, which links to four porcelain vases of the series "The Moth"



1.60 m x 0.40 m x 0.40 m